The Party
Gathered, stuck yet surviving
Furtive wolves laying out all our secrets
Furrowed togetherness through the candlelight
Dislodged, the shadow cornered mind cries out for all of us
The last children
Bleached white in memory
Partners and fathers gone
Fox hungry
Sniffing sympathy on the air
You left us, how could you leave me
I’m the blight on rose petals
Fixing wire strangled edges
Cut deeply,
Listen all you stickleback clods
Trailing in the liquid, leaving behind your tangled threaded tears
You know, the empty tales that we’ve all heard before
The mighty histories
Cask tight we commit ourselves to our laughter
It's the contract of our friendship
And the music
Reminding us of love before it punched holes the size of planets into us
Gassy and vacant left to sponge out into the years
Nothing grows except the follicles
Still pumping out energy, once fuel for all our carnivorous pleasures
The Pells
Sloop jack oily skin
Breaking and stabbing through smooth oil sure surfaces
Mitreing forward and ice mirrored
Sliding and crisscross skimming
Quick Stabbing into the air
Crisp cracks
Twist and flutter of feel soft down
Still reflected undulating opaque pea green
Lightness pricks the silent solvent surfaces
All reflected in apple green circles
Unending as the universe, enduring, spreading outwards
A blackbird, unsteady stalks, dragging its wings
Anything could happen
The leaves hanging and dripping
Occasional flutterings
A quick quick slow dance of stillness
Light dripping, leaves dropping, expectant and waiting
Underneath worlds merge and emerge
As bay fingering twigs reach out
Depth covered and exposed for weaving paddle fresh legs
All stillness splintered into shrill repetitive beats that only they know
Cut through, the guttural murmurings of life
Soothed only by the words of a mother
Continuing and all is still, all is alive
Among fallen shiny brown globes
Gathered soft and rain moist
Under the surface dipping down into deeper worlds
Steel Sore Eye
Steel Sore Eye
A fine time to sacrifice yourself
Living comfortably, softened by a child's toy
The spindling down to the final stair
Carved surely and pressed into plastic
The sorceress has disarmed her weapons
Once glassy eyed love, now steel and sore
Cocking, all the time wasted on things you thought you knew
The worlds too big for you and me
And Spinning aimlessly our dizzying senses
Softened by an effortless breath
Time soothes and mother's milk flows
The tide of
Memory egged on, stuffed, mute and sunk deep into cushions
A carnivorous tooth grinding down
Leaping over a studded landscape
Hurrying past the tiny noises
But Saying nothing
Pitted against a void so huge
Your anger
It engulfs your jaw and your words boom leaving the untouched leavened surface
Twisted by truths that exist only out to sea
Every one and everything lost to pirates
The Bees Fall From The Sky
Nature clutters about us
Bees fall from the sky
Licks dry polish your soul
And nature clutters about us
As the bees fall from the sky