I'm interested in poetry and music, with the ultimate goal to create paintings that have the resonance of a visual poem, the meaning slightly elusive and remaining just out of sight. Stories and memories distilled and embedded into multiple layers and textures, which I create using acrylic, oil and lots of mixed media.
Drawing inspiration from the world around me, it's the 'side eye' - processing and distilling experience independently from conscious awareness that interests me.
As I paint, the work tells me where it wants to go, allowing it to reveal itself. A lot gets covered up and worked over, sometimes leaving ghosts marks, traces and sometimes words. There are multiple paintings inside each finished piece. I hope the personal becomes universal and resonates with others too.
Rue Asher is a practising artist and therapist. Initially gaining her arts degree from Brighton University, she has had her work chosen and shown at The Sunday Times Watercolour Competition, The Discerning Eye (selected by David Remfry RA), RWS Contemporary Watercolour Competition, The Royal Watercolour Society, The Royal Institute of Painters, St. Annes Galleries Lewes, shortlisted for The Brighton Festival Arts Prize, Featured article in The Artists and Illustrators Magazine, Viva Lewes & Viva Brighton and has had her work included in The Pells Of Lewes (pool, park, people and places) book.
She has sold her work internationally in US, Germany, Greece, France and Hong Kong, whilst continuing to practice as a Hypnotherapist.
She lives and has her studio in Lewes, East Sussex.
....for a first look at new paintings.....